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Hot Barrel Hannah

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Wahoooooooo, wahoooooooooo, wahoooooooooo

Well, there's a girl on the plane,
Hannah is her name,
and she's driving all the cowboys wild.
Hannah is a girl can make a horseshoe curl
any time that she smiles.

She can lift every hair
from your head to your toe,
she can make a coyote growl.
Vultures have flown while cats head for home,
when they hear that Hannah howl.

Wahooooooooo, wahooooooooo

Dit dit dididididi, dididi
Hot Hannah, Hot Barrel Hannah

Oh, dit dit dididididi, dididi
Hot Hannah, Hot Barrel Hannah

"You can reach for the sky,
or you're surely gonna die
by the gun of Hot Barrel Hannah.

Oh, I never miss,
all I want to do is kiss,
raise your lips to Hot Barrel Hannah.

Better run for your life,
say goodbye to your wife,
when I come into town."

Oh no! I'd rather be dead
than be in the bed
of Hot Barrel Hannah!